Whether you navigate Crystal River by boat, on foot, or under water, you’ll be awed by the diversity of wildlife you’ll encounter. Did you know Crystal River, Florida is the only place you can legally swim with manatees in the wild? For that reason alone, visiting this historic Florida town is worth the trip.
My 81 year old aunt and I had a fantastic time swimming with the manatees, meandering around old town, enjoying the local cuisine, taking in the local fauna and lodging at a fantastic Airbnb. Creating memories like these are priceless. Sometimes finding a destination for multiple generations can be challenging, but I encourage you to consider Crystal River as a viable option.
Finding a place to stay in a touristy destination can sometimes be daunting. If you want a place that is close to the action yet makes you feel like you’ve gotten away from it all at the end of the day, I have just the place to recommend. Kristin’s Cove of Crystal River is listed on Airbnb and is a completely furnished home. It has three bedrooms, a bath, a large dining area, a fire pit, and a cozy patio area. The setting is very Florida authentic as it is surrounded by palms, evergreens, ferns and various other native vegetation. Complementary bikes and kayaks are part of the rental price.
If you are flying into Crystal River, the convenience is perfect as it sits less than a mile away from the regional airport.
Kristin’s Cove of Crystal River Crystal River, Florida

Swimming with Manatees
The protection of manatees has come a long way since the 1970s. With no predators except for humans, manatees are dependent on mankind to take an interest in preserving their habit, enforcing safe boating protocol, and respecting them while in the water.
Manatees and the Environment
All of these things and more are being accomplished in Crystal River. Just a few years ago, locals were starting to notice the manatees looking thinner than ever before. In conjunction with the university, new grass was planted around the springs and caged. The plants took off like crazy and within a few months the manatees had an abundance of food available. This in turn changed the number of spotted manatees from 50 to over 1500!
So, besides a large amount of sea grass to chomp on, why do the manatees congregate in this area? Great question! Although manatees are warm blooded mammals, they do not fair well in temperatures below 68 degrees. The springs in Crystal River stay a constant 72 degrees year round. Manatees also don’t like the water to be much warmer than 72 degrees. It’s for this reason that they make their daily pilgrimage from the springs to the Gulf of Mexico to always be in the ideal water temperature. All that swimming has its benefits. Manatees’ body fat is under fiver percent. Quite remarkable when you see their size.
What to Expect When Swimming with Manatees
It was recommended that the earlier a group goes out, the better their chances are of seeing multiple manatees. For that reason, we signed up for the first time slot of the day: 6:30am. It paid off as we were able to swim with five manatees all in the same area.
Things to know beforehand:
- Wear your bathing suit to the facility
- Bring a towel and water shoes
- The front desk will hold your car keys
- Bring clothes to change into after your swim. These can be left in a cubby in the changing area.
When we first arrived, we had a short, educational video to watch. This went over a few manatee facts and safety measures to abide by. Swimming with the manatees is more of a close-up observational encounter. It’s not like swimming with dolphins where you take ahold of their fin, and they pull you around.

Snorkeling 101
Soon our group headed to the changing area where we took off our street clothes and put on our wetsuits. Once our group was ready, it was time to head to the van. Our ride to the dock was less than five minutes. A pontoon boat was geared up and ready for our departure.
As we scooted down the canal, the sunrise was a sight to behold. Another plus to getting up so early. Fortunately for our group, it was only minutes into our adventure when the first manatee was spotted.

We were each given a snorkeling mask, a snorkel, and a pool noodle. Upon reassurance of a snug fit, we climbed down the boat’s ladder and submerged into the water. Even at 72 degrees, the initial plunge takes your breath away. In a few minutes, our bodies had acclimated, and we could begin viewing this huge aquatic animal within a few feet from its face.
Manatee Encounter
Their ongoing activity is to munch on sea grass. They can stay underwater for up to twenty minutes so waiting on them to surface to the top can take a lot longer than I had expected. When they do come up for air, it’s a quick action that you don’t want to miss. It is at this moment that you can really get a good visual of their face.
Your group’s size and the amenities provided all depend on which tour you sign up for. There were only six in our group which seemed ideal. Too many people and you can’t get up real close. We also had a heated boat which ended up being super nice once we got out of the water. Snacks and warm drinks were also provided for the boat ride back to the dock.

The tour provided two guides. The captain took care of the boat, and the other was in the water with us the entire time. She took professional pictures that can be purchased afterwards.
The great thing about this activity is that all ages can experience it. You don’t have to be an excellent swimmer to enjoy the encounter. The wetsuit and pool noodle help to keep you buoyant, and you barely swim at all. Along with being able to get up close and personal with the manatees, it was super cool to witness the underwater sea life. Fish of all sizes and shapes swam by and the curly-Q sea grass waving in the tide created a peaceful oasis.
River Ventures Crystal River, Florida

Crystal River Preserve State Park
Along with checking out what was happening underwater, we also checked out the area’s natural habitat above water. The Crystal River Preserve State Park offers guided boating tours throughout the week. We booked our tour online and we were so glad we did as it was a sold out tour even though it was the middle of the week in January.
The tour took us past bald eagle nests, historical sites and Native American burial mounds. We saw quite a few shorebirds considering the limited amount of time we were out on the water. The narrative was quite interesting as Florida has a unique history of settlements and natural disasters.
There are several hiking trails on the preserve. Each has a designated parking area for ease and convenience.
Crystal River Preserve State Park Crystal River, Florida

Crystal River Cuisine
Being so close to the Gulf of Mexico, one would expect to find delicious seafood served to perfection. We were not disappointed!
Cedar River Seafood
Two pieces of advice: Seafood Platter and Conch Fritters. You will leave full and happy. This place is loved by locals and visitors alike. The menu is large so if you can’t decide, go with my advice.
Cedar River Seafood Crystal River, Florida

St. John’s Tavern
A classic tavern in the hub of downtown for over 100 years. They serve a typical menu but with a bit of flair.
St. John’s Tavern Crystal River, Florida

Vintage on 5th
An upscale restaurant just a block from the main strip. Open in the evenings only. It was a full house when we stopped in even though it was a weekday. A huge wrap around porch makes a splendid dining location. The evening’s She Crab Bisque, Bella Vida wine and Crème Brulé made for a divine, light meal with our tastebuds smiling for hours.
Vintage on 5th Crystal River, Florida

Tea House 650
As you walk around the fantastic array of businesses in downtown Crystal River, you’re more than likely to get thirsty. Tea House 650 provides a wide selection of hot or iced teas to quench your thirst. It’s cozy atmosphere lends itself to a chance to sit for a spell and rest your legs.
Tea House 650 Crystal River, Florida
Grannie’s Restaurant
Grannie’s came as a recommendation by several people in the area. It’s your typical local diner serving up homemade meals with a friendly wait staff. Starting your day off like a local is always a great option as you know you’re going to get good food served with a smile.
Grannie’s Restaurant Crystal River, Florida
Downtown Crystal River
I didn’t really touch on where to shop in Crystal River but know that there is a diverse selection of shops that are as unique as the wildlife that surrounds the area. There are interesting historical buildings, beautiful murals and an overall adorable atmosphere that is perfect for pedestrians.

Looking for other areas of Florida to explore? Check out these articles and start adding to your Bucket List. Happy Travels!!